Statement from America Votes President Greg Speed On Georgia Runoff Victories

January 6, 2021

Contact: Contact: Sahil Mehrotra,


America Votes President Greg Speed released the following statement on the victories of Rev. Raphael Warnock and  Jon Ossoff in the Georgia runoff elections for U.S. Senate: 

“Organizing works.

“Last night, Georgians elected their first Black Senator in Rev. Raphael Warnock and their first Jewish Senator in Jon Ossoff—two progressive champions who will deliver for working families. This victory would not have been possible without the incredible turnout among Black and Brown voters – which looks poised to even exceed the record-breaking turnout in this past November’s election.

“Over the past nine weeks, the America Votes Georgia coalition undertook the biggest voter mobilization program of any America Votes state, ever. The 60+ state-based partners knocked on nearly 10 million doors, made over 23 million phone calls, and sent over 22 million text messages to help voters safely cast their ballots.

“At the doors alone, the America Votes coalition had nearly 3 million conversations with voters. The incredible turnout makes clear that this tremendous engagement of Black voters, young voters, and other voters of color  made the difference.

“Conducting a voter mobilization effort like this is not possible without years of investment and capacity-building in organizations that are engaging voters year-round, something America Votes has championed. Georgia is proof of how we can build progressive power: by supporting building grassroots organizations and creating change from the states.

“In November and last night, opportunity knocked and Georgia was ready to answer the door. We now expect our new majority in Congress to deliver on protecting the right to vote and to restore and expand our beleaguered democracy. Over the past nine weeks, democracy’s opponents have demonstrated their determination. After this victory in Georgia, it is imperative for democracy’s defenders to rally to its defense. To act to not only honor the legacies and the work of Georgia leaders like John Lewis and Julian Bond, but to build upon them.”


America Votes Georgia partners conducting door knocking include BlackPAC, UNITE HERE, New Georgia Project, Care in Action, Mijente, Working Families Party, Black Male Voter Project, NACA, AAAF, WEAF, UFCW, Mi Familia Vota, Planned Parenthood Votes, Save Our Senate PAC, People for Government PAC, CASA GA, SURJ, Black Men Build, Working America Georgia, Poder Latinx, 1,000 Women Strong Now, Indivisible, and more.

America Votes is the central coordination hub of the progressive community both nationally and in more than 20 states across the country, working with more than 400 state and national partner organizations to advance progressive policies, win elections and protect every American’s right to vote. Visit for more information.