Statement from America Votes President Greg Speed On 2020 Election Victories

November 6, 2020

Contact: CONTACT: Sahil Mehrotra,


America Votes President Greg Speed released the following statement on Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris’ election to the White House:

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be our nation’s next President and Vice President. This victory was achieved by a massive voter turnout, especially from Black voters in so many crucial cities and voters of color across the nation. America Votes and the coalition of progressive groups’ organizing and investment in grassroots voter contact was instrumental in mobilizing voters for this historic ticket in the highest turnout in over a century. 

“This election was unlike any other – from the pandemic to the size and scope of the America Votes coalition effort. Across our state network, America Votes partners made over 500 million voter contact attempts, including knocking on over 11 million doors, making over 200 million phone calls, and sending over 130 million texts since June 1 — which drove voters to the polls at rates we have never seen before.

Our coalition’s ‘Spread Out The Vote’ strategy was instrumental in recruiting millions of voters into voting by mail and early voting – including many youth and voters of color who voted early for the first time. This allowed voters to have their voices heard at the ballot box amidst a pandemic that has upended normal daily life and is disproportionately affecting communities of color across the nation.

“We’re proud of America Votes and our partners’ incredible efforts in making today a reality – and we celebrate the historic election of the nation’s first woman, first Black woman, and first Indian American woman to be Vice President.

“Furthermore, the electoral map shifted further blue with diverse, growing Sun Belt states like Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas all shifting several points since 2016. And the fiercely contested Midwestern blue wall was restored by several hundred thousand votes after a narrow 77,000 combined defeat in 2016.

One takeaway is immediately clear: progressives are a bigger, stronger force in America than the Trump base. Our power comes from grassroots organizing by under-represented communities, including voters of color, young voters, and a multi-racial majority that showed up to defend democratic values. 

“America Votes and our partners will soon be right back at the work of mobilizing voters for upcoming Georgia Senate runoffs to give Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the majorities they need to deliver results.

“Overall, this was not only an incredibly consequential victory for the next four years, but it points the way toward a better, more decent, and equitable America in the coming decade and beyond.”


America Votes is the central coordination hub of the progressive community both nationally and in more than 20 states across the country, working with more than 400 state and national partner organizations to advance progressive policies, win elections and protect every American’s right to vote. Visit for more information.