Statement from America Votes Leadership on Supreme Court’s Voting Rights Decison

July 2, 2021

Contact: Contact: Anna Donohue,

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced its decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, which brought into question the application of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act in regard to two Arizona elections policies challenged as racially discriminatory. The Court upheld the decision of the lower courts to rule in favor of two Arizona laws that ultimately make voting more difficult for racial minorities in the state. As the coordination hub of the progressive community working to protect every American’s right to vote,  the America Votes Senior Leadership Team released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling:


“Every American, regardless of background, zip code or race, should be able to exercise their freedom to vote. Today’s decision by the Supreme Court is disappointing because they had the opportunity to uphold the rights of voters, particularly within Indigenous and rural communities. Instead, they are allowing partisan-driven Arizona lawmakers to make it even harder for people to vote while also making it more difficult to challenge voter suppression in the future.”


”That being said, this ruling is another call to action to defend voting rights and democracy. After today’s ruling, it is even more imperative that Congress act by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, to restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act, as well as the For the People Act. We expect our elected representatives to practice what they preach and fight for a fair election system. America Votes will continue our fight against racially discriminatory voting restrictions alongside our partners.”



The America Votes Senior Leadership Team is comprised of: Greg Speed, President; Sara Schreiber, Executive Director; Tanya Brown, Chief of Staff; Daria Dawson, Political Director; Daniel Gonzales, Director of Planning and Program Analysis; Evan Kost, Director of Development and Investment Relations; Shabab Siddiqui, Director of Data and Targeting; and Josiette White, Field Director.

America Votes is the central coordination hub of the progressive community both nationally and in more than 20 states across the country, working with more than 400 state and national partner organizations to advance progressive policies, win elections and protect every American’s right to vote. Visit for more information.