Statement from America Votes Leadership Calling For Immediate Accountability for Insurrectionists And Their Enablers

January 7, 2021

Contact: Contact: Sahil Mehrotra,

The America Votes Senior Leadership Team released the following statement after yesterday’s white supremacist mob’s attacks: 

“Yesterday was a disgraceful day for American democracy. So is today. Every hour that passes without consequences for those who incited insurrection and those who voted to nullify the democratic process compounds the disgrace.

“What we saw yesterday was the culmination of decades of conservatives promoting fringe conspiracy theories — from the racist ‘birther’ movement that propelled the current president to the political spotlight, to his own refusal to acknowledge the results of the free and fair election where Americans rejected him.

“When a mob forces its way into our Capitol, waving the Confederate flag, there is no other way to describe their actions than as treason and sedition. But we cannot stop at describing their actions. What we need now, immediately, is for these traitors and their enablers to be held accountable and immediate action to protect and reform our democracy.

“Yesterday also served as a stark reminder of the deadly role white privilege plays in this country. This summer, law enforcement rolled tanks down the streets of the District in response to peaceful protests for Black Lives Matter, not to mention hundreds of arrests of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people for curfew violations. But when it was a white supremacist mob storming the floor of the U.S. House and Senate, their hands were held as they were casually escorted out and sent on their way.

“When Congress reconvenes, we must see immediate accountability for the President and Members of Congress who, after seeing the deadly consequences of their baseless lies, still voted to uphold fictitious challenges to the election. This accountability must be coupled with bold action to make this country a true democracy where we stand with and for each other, and where our elected officials and public servants respect our rights, no matter who we are. Without accountability for these crimes and swift action to realize the promise of democracy, the United States will remain vulnerable to this type of insurrection.”


The America Votes Senior Leadership Team is comprised of: Greg Speed, President; Sara Schreiber, Executive Director; Tanya Brown, Chief of Staff; Daria Dawson, Political Director; Daniel Gonzales, Director of Planning and Program Analysis;  Evan Kost, Director of Development and Investment Relations; Shabab Siddiqui, Director of Data and Targeting; and Josiette White, Field Director.

America Votes is the central coordination hub of the progressive community both nationally and in more than 20 states across the country, working with more than 400 state and national partner organizations to advance progressive policies, win elections and protect every American’s right to vote. Visit for more information.