Greg Speed in Medium: Beating Trump is not nearly enough

June 28, 2016


America Votes President Greg Speed published his latest Medium blog post discussing the 2016 election cycle. His piece, “Beating Trump is not nearly enough,” discusses the importance of focusing down-ballot during a presidential election cycle and the implications of not only mobilizing against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, but the conservative base that nominated him.

While I am confident Trump will lose the presidential election and lose badly, neither the country nor progressives can afford even a moment of complacency. We must mobilize as never before because winning the White House is not nearly enough.

The Republican Party that will nominate Trump holds a majority in every elected office below the presidency. Time and again, they have won power by stoking similar resentment, hate and divisive politics with a similar base of voters who backed Trump.

Click here to read the full piece on Medium.