Greg Speed in HuffPost: Six Years To Win Back The States

April 10, 2015


Check out Greg Speed’s latest Huffington Post piece on winning back the states from the ground up.

When partisan dominance can defy the popular vote and lock down years of control, it’s clear this is no longer just a problem for progressives — it’s a problem for our democracy as a whole. How do progressives begin to turn the tables in this climate?

Progressives’ best chance to break through the conservative firewall is a multi-front, long-term strategy to win back the states. Too often we’ve measured our electoral success based on winning states for the presidency or control of the U.S. Senate, while overlooking vital the contests further down the ballot. Those days are gone — we can no longer afford to settle for lonely victories at the top of the ticket. We must fight back against conservatives’ ground-up strategy with a ground-up strategy of our own.

America Votes and hundreds of our progressive allies are developing [ ] six-year plans within and across states. Our goal is to identify critical opportunities to build back power in the states each year from 2015 through 2020. America Votes will help make hard-nosed assessments about trends on the ground and critical decisions on the best opportunities for us to make progress on our overall goals.

Click here to read the full blog post on the Huffington Post.