America Votes Georgia Coalition Engaging and Mobilizing Millions for Runoff Elections

December 28, 2020

Contact: Contact: Sahil Mehrotra,


Ahead of next Tuesday’s critical runoff elections, the America Votes Georgia coalition of 60+ state partners is completing a massive voter mobilization campaign to turn out a progressive majority.

America Votes Georgia State Director Leslie Small said, “Our diverse coalition is focused on ‘Spreading Out The Vote’ — encouraging as many Georgians as possible to request an absentee ballot and to vote early in-person, to allow for short lines and social distancing at the polls on Election Day.”

America Votes President Greg Speed said, “Our coalition successfully used the ‘Spread Out The Vote’ strategy this November, ensuring Georgians had their voice heard safely and securely, and we’re doing it again for the runoffs, where 2.1 million people have already cast ballots.”

“The key to our turnout program is a massive door-to-door canvass mobilizing voters across Georgia. Our coalition has already made 5.8 million safe door knocks and had over 1.7 million conversations at the doors about the importance of these races and how to safely vote in the runoff election. We’ve never seen conversation rates this high and this incredible level of activity in the field is poised to make the difference on January 5th” said Speed.

Since November 4, the America Votes Georgia coalition has helped nearly 120,000 Georgians apply for absentee ballots to safely vote from home. The coalition’s turnout efforts have been layered with other modes, with partners making over 13.7 million phone calls and sending over 15.6 million text messages, on top of efforts to reach voters through digital ads, TV ads, and relational organizing.


America Votes is the central coordination hub of the progressive community both nationally and in more than 20 states across the country, working with more than 400 state and national partner organizations to advance progressive policies, win elections and protect every American’s right to vote. Visit for more information.