America Votes Applauds President Biden’s Budget Proposals to Improve Election Administration and Expand Vote-By-Mail

March 28, 2022


WASHINGTON – America Votes President Greg Speed issued the following statement today celebrating President Biden’s budget proposals to fund election administration and expand access to the ballot box.

“America Votes strongly supports President Biden’s proposal to strengthen America’s elections infrastructure and give election officials the resources to make voting accessible and secure.

“At a time when bad-faith actors are attacking the foundations of our democracy and trust in American institutions is at an all-time low, the President’s proposal to commit $10 billion to elections assistance funding over the next ten years is a much-needed investment that will make our elections more efficient, secure, and accessible.

“The President’s proposed expansion of vote-by-mail in underserved areas is also critical to increasing participation in our elections and making sure that every American is able to exercise their right to vote. As we saw in 2020, expanding access to vote-by-mail and early in-person voting significantly increases participation in our elections.

“With so many critical issues on the ballot this year, it is critical that we do everything in our power to increase participation in elections. America Votes is thrilled that President Biden’s budget includes much-needed investments in our election infrastructure and expansions of vote-by-mail. We urge leaders in Congress to fully fund these important priorities.”


The America Votes Senior Leadership Team is comprised of: Greg Speed, President; Sara Schreiber, Executive Director; Daria Dawson, Deputy Executive Director & National Political Director; Daniel Gonzales, Director of Planning and Program Analysis; Evan Kost, Director of Development and Investment Relations; Shabab Siddiqui, Director of Data and Targeting; and Josiette White, Field Director.

America Votes is the central coordination hub of the progressive community both nationally and in more than 20 states across the country, working with more than 400 state and national partner organizations to advance progressive policies, win elections and protect every American’s right to vote. Visit for more information.