2017 Election: Progressive Wins at Every Level, Every Election

November 8, 2017

Contact: CONTACT: Krishana Davis; kdavis@americavotes.org


WASHINGTON, DC – America Votes, today, congratulates our many partner organizations who worked hard to elect progressive candidates across the country – from Virginia to the Aurora, Colorado City Council to the Manchester, New Hampshire mayoral to the Washington State Senate.

“Along with momentous wins in statewide races in Virginia and New Jersey and for control of the Washington Senate, progressives won at every level of state and local government, in every region of the country on Tuesday,” said America Votes President Greg Speed. “Across every state and region, winning coalitions varied, but the results were consistent: victories were driven by intense opposition to ‘Trump-ism’ and conservative policies, strong local organizing, turnout among people of color and progressive allies, and candidates who reflected their communities and genuinely spoke to the issues that matter.”

“Looking ahead, the plan victory 2018 is more: more recruitment, more organizing, more engagement, more mobilization, more victories in more states.”

The America Votes coalition worked on-the-ground in state and local races all over the country, including:

  • Washington State Senate District 45 (flipped chamber control)
  • Strong odd-year turnout (34 percent) fueled local wins in Denver and Douglas Counties, an environmental protection measure in Broomfield over strong opposition by oil and gas industry, and a progressive sweep on the Aurora, Colorado City Council unseating far-right, anti-immigrant majority
  • Re-elected progressive mayor in St. Petersburg against conservative challenger in key Florida county (Pinellas) carried by Trump in 2016
  • Manchester, New Hampshire mayoral race (seat flipped); swept two legislative special elections making a total of eight victories in 10 elections in 2017
  • Overwhelmingly passed ObamaCare expansion initiative (MaineCare) making Maine the 33rd state, including Washington, D.C., to expand Medicaid upon implementation; numerous progressive wins at the local level
  • Competitive Michigan state House special election in Upper Peninsula which was carried by Trump
  • Broke conservative supermajority in Georgia state Senate and flipped two seats in the state House
  • Electing new progressive and first African-American mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Sweeping three seats to expand the progressive majority on the Las Cruces City Council in New Mexico
  • Winning five of eight statewide judicial races and sweeping progressive wins in Southeast Pennsylvania “collar counties”
  • Progressives wins in major cities, municipalities across Ohio, including re-electing of Cincinnati’s mayor, several seats on the Toledo City Council (including election of America Votes Ohio staff alumni)

For more information visit AmericaVotes.org.


America Votes is the coordination hub of the progressive community working with more than 400 national and state partners to advance progressive policies, win elections, and protect every American’s right to vote.